Private Tuition

Private tuition offers you the unique opportunity to learn and progress at your own pace, while also having lessons structured to your own personal needs and training goals.

You may already attend a class and want to develop and improve specific skills, speed up your development, or simply prefer to learn in a one-to-one environment.

Whatever your motivation, Sifu Wayne will use his expertise to give you the training you require, allowing you to develop in the way you like to learn, while providing constructive feedback and targeted training, specifically designed to meet your needs.

Private training can take place at our studio, or for your convenience we can provide professional tuition in the comfort of your own home, providing all the equipment you will need, working together to reach your specific targets.

Sifu Wayne will guide you through this detailed training style with technical guidance and support, approached in a safe and friendly manner.

Group Tuition

Group training not only applies to our regular classes, but can also be provided for people who would prefer to train in their own private groups, starting with a minimum of just two people.

Whether you are a Kung-Fu novice or have past training experience, classes will be structured so that every practitioner will get the maximum benefit from each and every session, and with the added benefit of training with people that you know and are comfortable with, will allow you to encourage each other, see each other progress and enjoy your training at the same time.

Group training can take place at our studio, at your place of work or even the comfort of your own home, providing regular sessions to help reach your targeted needs.

On-Line Tuition

We are pleased to offer clients on-line training options via both the Zoom and Skype platforms. This will not only help individuals who feel this would be a safer option in light of the Covid-19 pandemic to continue their training, but to also provide an option to fit around a busy lifestyle, time constraints or is your preferred method of learning.

On-line sessions will be similar to private tuition, allowing you to train effectively wherever you are located at a time that suits you. You will learn the building blocks and foundations of the system, covering both the physical practice and the theories of the art, enabling you to progress at every level, with Sifu Wayne guiding you through each and every stage, while also answering any questions you may have. You will demonstrate your understanding and technique at each level of your personalised training. On-Line group sessions are also available.

Corporate Training/Well-Being

Health and well-being in the work environment is becoming increasingly important. Implementing one of our kung-fu based programmes can help you provide solutions to common workplace challenges.

We can provide options for a specific team building day, regular group sessions or learning stress management and focus techniques. We can develop a training programme in tandem with your company’s needs, promoting a more positive environment and mindset.